Tuesday, 31 May 2011

You can't

You say you don't love me but when I kiss you, you can't reject me.
You could, you can, reject my kiss but you don't.
You are worse than me, you kiss me even more and deeper than me.
So now you can't say you don't love me..

I kiss you slowly in the lips, just a little kiss so you will remember me when I'm gone
'cause you say you don't love me anymore.
One last kiss is this one I'm giving you, only a little kiss on the lips of yours
But when I separate my lips from yours and start to walk away you push me by my arm into yours,
you give me kiss, at first it's slow but you just go depeer and deeper.

You whisper "I'm sorry" into my ear and kiss me again but I stop you from kissing me one more time as I ask you: - Do you still want to?
You answer: - I do.
Me: - Isn't it enough?
You: - It's not enough.. It's never enough.
You kiss me again, now more longer than ever..


- said...

Ahahah pois rimaste xD

E obrigada pelo o conselho, acho que tens razão :D

Anonymous said...

sim, muito obrigada pelo apoio (:
já está tudo bem, ele compreendeu perfeitamente *.*

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